Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non velit quis felis sollicitudin dignissim. Donec a mauris faucibus, tempor metus eget, tristique lacus. Morbi viverra imperdiet metus, sed scelerisque dolor facilisis nec.
Wonde resources library
Unlock your possibilities. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.
As consumers, we love texting. We keep our notifications switched on. We have several messaging apps on our devices, and we don’t filter text messages the way we do emails.
You should always aim to keep the results of that math under 30%. Mindfully watching these metrics will give you a clearer idea of how well your email performed.
Are they interested in something specific? Do they think your email is spam? Do they click on something completely different than you were expecting them to engage with, and if so, why?
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We’re changing the we we work
Here at Wonde, we are focused on supporting our schools, apps and partners in the delivery of effective, simple tech solutions that enable and ease learning, communication and administration throughout education institutions. What makes us able to achieve this is our 100+ strong team of passionate individuals that work tirelessly across departments to deliver innovative […]
Powerful simplicity to connect, communicate & optimise
In the UK education system, schools are either state schools funded by government and are free for all pupils, or they are independent schools and charge fees to the parents of the pupils. Almost all the schools taking part in the HMC Projects Scholarship Scheme are independent schools. In the United Kingdom, independent schools have […]
Best Ways to Manage Contacts
One of the best ways to manage your contacts is to chop them up into targeted segments. Think of it as a big pie cut up into slices!
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Last game this year
Sed porta enim ex, vel porta leo blandit varius. Sed in egestas odio. Fusce metus est, maximus quis molestie nec, luctus eget eros. Integer ullamcorper est sed ornare scelerisque. Integer volutpat laoreet nisl eu lacinia. Integer ac pharetra erat. Aliquam fringilla sit amet lectus a placerat.
What we offer
Phasellus pharetra scelerisque diam, non tincidunt ipsum luctus ac. Sed est ante, elementum in justo vitae, cursus malesuada leo. Nullam dolor leo, commodo ut urna vitae, imperdiet tempor tellus. Maecenas finibus, sem ut sagittis imperdiet, neque sem sagittis mi, sit amet lacinia lorem lectus finibus nulla.
We are the school
Aliquam finibus sed sapien id consequat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi fermentum eget risus at gravida. Vivamus eu erat tincidunt erat mattis sollicitudin.
Case studies
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Supporting Derventio to integrate with multiple MIS for seamless and secure data sharing.
Maths Circle
Making the onboarding process simple and the seamless data sync secure and accurate.
Parents Booking
A strong growth trajectory required speedy integration with school MIS securely and at scale.